Things NOT better yet!

Let me begin this latest blog by apologizing to the three people who actually read this blog.  I have been swamped with being a father, husband, pastor, and student, so my blog has taken a back seat.  I don’t think anything is going to slow down in the near future, but I had a moment to write, so here it goes.
I am sure all here are familiar with the term, “Bully Pulpit.”  Believe it or not, the term originally had nothing to do with a “pulpit” or a “bully.”  The term was coined by Theodore Roosevelt and it actually had a positive meaning.  READ MORE


Doubts about the resurrection are as old as the resurrection

I decided to republish this blog that I wrote 2 years ago.  Resurrection Sunday is only days away and I hope this blog will help focus your heart and mind of the event that occured 2000 years ago – Jesus Christ, light of light, very God of very God – died on the cross and was resurrected 3 days later.  Jesus paid the price for our sins that we could not pay.  Praise God for his grace and mercy.  May you be encouraged by the following. READ MORE
